There are lots of ways that we can be catalysts for change, and work towards improving the world that we all share. One of the most effective tools we have is voting with our wallets. As mentioned previously, I believe in being a conscientious consumer, because what we choose to buy sends strong messages about our values to retailers, investors, and those and around us. Especially in today's economy, the places we shop matter.

Today I am sharing my favorite picks for fashion and shopping (click the links to find out more)
Best Local Retailer:
Renew Denim
222 D Street Davis, CA 95616 (530) 297-5326

This is the kind of store that is dreamt of by tree-huggers and fashionistas alike. Renew Denim is a cutting edge 'green boutique,' locally owned and operated. They carry designer denim (7 for all mankind, Citizens of Humanity, Paige, Rock & Republics, etc), at steep discounts. The owner buys current denim trends at a discount from suppliers and retailers who have overstock or imbalances in their inventory. Prices for all jeans are $99 or less. These are honestly the exact same jeans you can buy in Nordstroms, or specialty boutiques, for 2-3 times the price. Renew also sells one of a kind fashion and jewelry from local designers, and jeans embellished by local art and design students. The store gives a free reusable eco-bag with each purchase, and offers a 5% discount to every shopper who brings the bag back to use again. They also have special events for charitable causes (recently offered 50% off regularly priced merchandise to all shoppers who brought in a donation of gently used jeans for STEAC), and support the local economy by participating in special Davis Business Association events. They send sale alerts via Facebook, and report that they will be opening an online store soon!
Which brings me to my pick for....
Best Denim:
Paige Jeans, Premium Organic

I stopped by Renew Denim on my way home today, to check out their 1/30 - 30 event. They had special $30 prices on some of the samples, and were offering $30 off for purchases of $100. Paige Jeans are by far my favorites- they fit well and last forever, but they can be pretty expensive. As part of today's event, I was able to get a pair of Paige Jeans Premium Organic, which retail for $210, for only $69! The best part? Paige's organic label offers the same level of style and quality that one would expect from Paige Jeans- but with a higher level of social responsibility. The label (above) says it all- and the choice to purchase organic cotton , and biodegradable dyes has a HUGE impact. Cotton is the biggest non-food agricultural crop in the world, and its' production accounts for 16 percent of global chemical pesticide use, more than any other single crop. The pesticides and fertilizers used to grown non-organic cotton contaminate the air and soil where the cotton is grown, and contaminate water supplies with chemical infused run-off. Traces of chemicals linger in the cotton after harvest, and can make it into the clothing we wear. Organic cotton has to be grown in accordance with special USDA standards. Traditional denim dyes and dying methods rely on a synthetic, version of Indigo dye, which is created using petroleum, then treated with various environmentally harmful chemicals to ensure colorfastness. Plant based natural dyes are a renewable, safer option.

Favorite Footwear:
Rocket Dog Sheriff Boots
(pictured at right, with my new Paige organic cotton jeans)
I'd been looking for the perfect cowboy-style boots for quite some time, but was having a hard time swallowing the price tag, which generally runs between $150-$350. Part of the expense is due to the fact that this style of boot is generally made with high quality leather... beautiful and comfortable, but pricey. Imagine my delight when I came across these adorable boots, and was able to find a sweet deal for only $40 (originally $80). Why the low price? No bovines were harmed in the making of these boots. They are made out of fabric! I have been wearing them for several weeks (even out in the rain)- they are extremely comfortable and durable, and it is impossible to tell that they aren't real leather until you touch them. Rocket Dog is currently working with Soles4Souls to provide shoes and relief supplies to earthquake victims in Haiti. Added bonus- a tiny, cute, rocket-dog logo (looks like our Westie) is embroidered on one of the loops.
Happy shopping!