A short story about two busy dogs, and their special bed- and some pictures showing how I saved the gross old thing from getting thrown away, and refurbished and recycled it into something newer and better:

The Feather Bed
Once upon a time, there was a girl who had a feather bed. It was puffy and cozy and wonderful. Then, she married someone who preferred not to sleep on feather beds, and they decided to get rid of it. It was tossed onto the floor of the bedroom, waiting to go to Goodwill. That's where it was found by a very spoiled little terrier puppy, who decided that she deserved a feather bed of her very own. She curled up on the thick, white, down bed, and decided it was her favorite spot to sleep. . .

She liked to hide her toys inside of it, and roll on it after baths, and dive into the the big squishy piles of fabric and feathers. The puppy slept there every night. She grew and grew, until she was all grown up- 17 lbs. The feather bed was much too big for her, and there was lots of extra room. One day, another dog came along.
A very naughty little dog, who was scrappy and skinny, and knew how to make mischief of all kinds.
The dogs liked to curl up together, and snuggle on the feather bed. When the people saw how the spoiled little puppy loved her new friend enough to share the special feather bed with him, they decided that even though he was scruffy and naughty, the new dog could stay.

The girl got some special fabric (a strong, waterproof kind, with a beautiful pattern), and some big buttons, and strong thread...

And the dogs looked them over and decided they were ok....
And the girl made them a cover, so that they could keep using their special feather bed. Only it wasn't a feather bed anymore. It had turned into a dog bed. A plump and puffy, snuggly dog bed with lots of room for two busy dogs. And the dogs would race into the room and jump gleefully onto their new bed.
And they slept there every night, and they were happy. And at night the people could hear them snoring- but that was ok, because it was very quiet snoring, and the people didn't mind it so much because it reminded them that the dogs were happy and close by, and they loved them very much.
Ha ha ha, I like the story. Where did you learn to sew? Did you teach yourself?